The Barnyard


We now have 3 medium wool llamas.  Our boys are:  Indian Peaks Trident, Stage Stop Flint Eastwood, and Aislin o’Cannon.  Becky learned to shear the llamas, not an easy task!   If you are interested in participating in a Spring Shearing event at our location, we would love to have you.  Watch our facebook page for an event announcement in May 2024.


Our current flock is a mash-up of large and small breeds.  We have Buff Orpingtons, Mille Fleur d’Uccle, Polish, Cochins of many colors and some other varieties.     We have around 30 birds at a time.  Hoping to rebuild their habitat to be adorable and functional soon!  Our 2023 chicks arrived in January, and we’ve started to see a boost in our egg production.


Becky got in big trouble when she brought home 11 ducklings from work.  The family helped raise them until they were old enough to fly away, which they did. (they had lost their mom and a kind neighbor brought them to the animal hospital)  We have since learned that if we want to do more wildlife rescues like that, we need to be permitted.  Good thing, that will keep her from doing it again for awhile…  But, we are hoping to add ducks to our flock again next summer.  Their eggs are a wonderful addition to baked goods!


We love dogs…Becky is a certified veterinary technician, and her days of working at an animal hospital yielded us a couple of wonderful dogs over the years.  There are currently 3 resident canines on the ranch. We cannot allow other dogs to visit, mainly because of their unknown reaction to small livestock.  For their safety, please leave your furry friends at home when visiting!


All of our current cats came from local barns.  I had heard that barn-cats would never enjoy being indoors, but ours didn’t get the memo.  They are couch potatoes that will occasionally chase the outside mice…We always spay/neuter our cats & dogs, and encourage everyone to adopt from your local shelter whenever possible.


Do our trucks count as pets?  Just part of our collection, we acquired 3 old Studebakers (Fred is a farm truck with wood slats on the bed, Ol’ Blue is a cute decorative pickup, and Red actually has an engine!)

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